Satya Narayana Nadella, commonly known as Satya Nadella, is a renowned business executive from India. He succeeded Steve Ballmer in the year 2014 as CEO and John W. Thompson in 2021 as chairman of Microsoft, and he currently serves as the executive chairman and CEO of the company.
Nadella was born in Hyderabad, Telangana, on August 19, 1967, and is turning 55 this year. Satya attended the Manipal Institute of Technology and made his parents proud by bringing home a degree in electrical engineering in the year of 1988.
After that, Nadella studied at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee and received his M.S in computer science in 1990. Later on, Nadella studied at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business and graduated in 1997 and received a Master of Business Administration degree.
Do you want to know Satya Nadella’s wife, Anupama Nadella? Her biography and their kids together? Then continue reading to learn more.
Satya Nadella’s wife and Anupama Nadella’s Marriage
He has been blissfully married to his lovely wife, Anupama Nadella, for the past three decades. Satya and his future wife Anupama met in Hyderabad Public school.
Satya, being the courageous young guy that he is, asked Anupama to be his girlfriend, and she said yes. They stayed together for a while before tying the knot in 1992; since then, they’ve been married and have been together for more than three decades.
After a period of time spent together, Satya and his wife Anupama eventually started a family and welcomed three children into the world. Their names are Zain, Tara, and Diyva Nadella.
Unfortunately, on February 28, 2022, their oldest child, Zain, who had been born legally blind and paraplegic, passed away. Even though the couple has been married for a very long time, their love for one another is just as strong as it was the day they first met.
Anupama Nadella’s Biography
Anupama Nadella is one of India’s most well-known and respected philanthropists. The fact that she is married to Satyanarayana Nadella, the Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft, is primarily responsible for her notoriety. Anupama was born in New Delhi, India, in 1973, and she is currently 49 years old. Anupama’s hometown in India.
Satya Nadella’s wife attended Hyderabad Public School through her secondary education. After that, she enrolled in Manipal University with the intention of earning a degree in Architecture Engineering there.
Anupama Nadella is well-known throughout India for the charitable contributions that she has made. Satya Nadella’s wife made headlines in the year 2020 after she donated two crores of rupees to the ladies and farmers of the Anantapur district in Andhra Pradesh.
The money was intended to offer them additional benefits that would improve their standard of living. On the occasion of her father-in-law’s birthday, a retired Indian Administrative Service official named B. N. Yugandhar, Satya Nadella’s wife, gave this donation in his honor.
Anupama Nadella contributed Rs. 2 crores to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund in the year 2020 when India was experiencing the Covid-19 shutdown.
Satya Nadella’s Kids
I. Zain Nadella
He is the eldest child and son of the renowned business executive Satya and his lovely wife, Anupama. Zain was born on August 13, 1996, and passed away at the age of 26.
II. Tara Nadella
She is the second child and daughter of Satya and his wife, Anupama. Unfortunately, Tara’s birth date and age are unavailable to the public.
III. Divya Nadella
She is the youngest child and daughter of the CEO of Microsoft Satya and his lovely wife, Anupama. Unfortunately, like her sister, Divya’s birthdate and age are also unavailable.