Michael Anthony Vitar, professionally known as Mike Vitar, is a renowned firefighter and former actor from the USA. He is most known for his roles as Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez in the comedy film, The Sandlot and Luis Mendoza’s last two films in the Mighty Ducks franchise.
After being discovered by a casting director while waiting in line for an attraction at a school festival when Mike was only 12 years old, he immediately began his career in the entertainment industry. After 1997, Vitar called it quits in the acting business.
He received his high school education at St. Francis in La Canada, California, and graduated in 1997. In 1996, he began working as an emergency medical technician for Gerber Hospital in Torrance.
It was via that job that he could transition into his current role as a fireman. He joined the Los Angeles Fire Department in 2002 and has been working there since as a firefighter.
Learn more about American MLB player Mike Vitar’s wife, Kym Vitar, and the married couple’s relationship. Moreover, check this out to see details about their kids!
Mike Vitar and Kym Vitar’s married life
In 2006, Mike wed the stunning Kym Vitar, who would later become his wife. The charming couple has been wedded for more than ten years.
In addition, the couple seemed content with every aspect of their married lives. The married couple also has three gorgeous children who are a blessing.
There has been no talk regarding the split between the two people until now. There is no indication that Mike and his wife, Kym’s, the bond is becoming less potent as the years pass by.
However, despite Mike Vitar’s widespread notoriety as one of the most talented child actors of the 1990s, his wife has a habit of staying out of the public eye. His family calls Los Angeles, California, their home at the moment.
Kym Vitar’s Biography
She is a professional photographer, and Kym’s photo collections may be viewed on her website, named Kym Vitar Photography. You can browse the website for information about clients and public initiatives.
Mike Vitar’s Wife adores being surprised by nature and putting disparate elements together in novel ways to produce enduring memories and stunning works of art. In addition to this, she has a passion for collecting old cameras.
Mike Vitar’s Wife likely enjoys taking pictures of her kids and her family and pictures of couples and weddings. Kym finds a lot of joy in the process of recording life in flawed small squares.
There is no question that she has achieved mastery in photography; this explains why her photographs are of a higher caliber and more stunning. People likely ask her to photograph their weddings and family events since she does beautiful work.
It would appear that Mike Vitar’s wife is relatively successful in her chosen profession as a photographer. If you are willing to have Kym take your photos, you can even book the session online. In addition, Kym will, on occasion, hold contests and giveaways on her website.
Mike Vitar’s Kids
Eli Vitar
Their oldest child and son, Eli, was born on the 12th day of March 2007. He is now fifteen years old.
Wesley Vitar
Their second child and son, Wesley, was born on the 30th day of April 2009. He is now thirteen years old.
Norah Paige Vitar
The married couple’s youngest child and only daughter, Norah Paige, was born on the 31st day of January 2013. She is now nine years old.